October 7, 2016
Description The LiquidCrystal library allows you to control LCD displays that are compatible with the Hitachi HD44780 driver. There are many of them out there, and you can usually tell them by the 16-pin interface. This example sketch prints “Hello World!” to the LCD and shows the time in seconds since the Arduino was reset. […]
October 6, 2016
Description The microphone module allows you to detect sound. Pinout The module has the following pins: A0, analog output; real-time output voltage signal of the microphone. D0, digital output; when the sound intensity reaches a certain threshold, the digital output goes high. G, ground. +, Vcc (+5Vdc) The threshold-sensitivity can be adjusted via a potentiometer […]
October 5, 2016
Description The Arduino servo library allows an Arduino board to control RC (hobby) servo motors. Servos have integrated gears and a shaft that can be precisely controlled. Standard servos allow the shaft to be positioned at various angles, usually between 0 and 180 degrees. Continuous rotation servos allow the rotation of the shaft to be […]
October 4, 2016
Digital signals In the Arduino + Pushbutton article we used a pushbutton as an input device connected to a DIGITAL I/O pin. We used internal pull up resistors so that we could connect a pushbutton directly between digital I/O pin 8 and GND. Circuit Instead of a pushbutton we can simply connect a wire to […]
October 4, 2016
Description A switch can be used to make a digital I/O pin LOW or HIGH; a variable resistor or potentiometer can be used to make an analog I/O pin anywhere in between LOW or HIGH. Analog pins recognize voltages between 0Vdc and +5Vdc. This analog voltage between 0Vdc and +5Vdc is then translated to a […]
October 4, 2016
Description There are a number of digital I/O pins on the board that can be used as a digital input or digital output. If a digital I/O pin is used as an output, you can make a pin HIGH (5V) or LOW (0V) to drive LEDs, servos, LCD displays, etc. If a digital I/O pin […]
October 4, 2016
Microcontrollers operate on +3.3Vdc or +5Vdc relative to GND typically. Digital electronics consider a signal of +5Vdc (or +3.3Vdc) HIGH and a signal of 0Vdc LOW. Arduino microcontrollers treat voltages on a digital I/O pin above +0.7Vdc as HIGH and voltages below +0.3Vdc as LOW. If a digital I/O pin is not connected, electrostatic discharge […]
October 3, 2016
Description When you upload code to an Arduino board, the computer uses serial communication to transfer the code to the device. The Arduino board contains a serial-to-USB converter chip that is detected by the computer when you first connect the Arduino board. A virtual serial port on the computer will allow the computer to send […]
October 2, 2016
Description Blinking a single LED is not all that hard. But how do we go from there to driving 8 LEDs connected to an Arduino board? Hardware Required There are a large number of similar boards on the market. They either have a common ground or common Vcc pin (active low logic). The exact pinout […]
October 2, 2016
Description Blink the on-board LED. Make no mistake – this is an essential skill and a gateway to numerous challenging and creative projects. Hardware Required Arduino Board Circuit Arduino boards have a number of onboard LEDs: ON – Power indicator TX – Transmit (pin 1) – Used for programming and diagnostics (USB serial port communication). […]