August 10, 2019
The easiest and most fun way to start learning to play I find is to play along using chords. Chords Practice playing Major and Minor Chords using your thumb, middle finger and little finger. I used to bend my index finger and ring finger into the palm of my hand so they are out of […]
July 21, 2019
Beautiful minimalistic slow paced atmospheric game. Stunning artwork. Click on pictures to enlarge.
July 19, 2019
MPCNC Marlin config This is where I keep my current MPCNC config in case I have to reflash it: Single endstops software enabled (G53 Xpos Ypos only) – Single endstops software disabled – It is now time to plot the obligatory MPCNC crown test pattern with a pen holder and pen. MPCNC Sharpie […]
July 2, 2019
The dining table chairs came with ‘fake leather’, which is actually quite common. Fake leather comes in one of two flavours: PU leather (polyurethane leather) and vinyl bonded leather. Vinyl bonded leather has leather fibers glued to the back of the vinyl to allow vendors to legally claim ‘10% genuine leather’. If you inspect the […]
June 25, 2019
Syptoms When I change the spool of PLA or PLA+ filament on my 3D printer or use the 3D printer after not having used it for a while, I am often having problems where the printer seems to be under extruding, where there is poor bed adhesion and where tuning the printer does not seem […]
June 7, 2019
GCODE maiden flight Some important Gcode instructions: G20 = everything is in inches G21 = everything is in mm G90 = everything is in absolute coordinates (go to coordinate position) G0 X30 = move to absolute X coordinate position ’30’ on the X axis. G91 = relative coordinates (move relative from current position) G0 Z30 = […]
June 5, 2019
Squaring the frame I 3D printed the first 10 layers of the MPCNC foot object to use as a template for drawing the screw holes in the table. I used a laser range finder to measure distance and square the frame. As the table was cut to size accurately, I could use the edge as […]
May 21, 2019
Charging Red light = charging. No light = fully charged. Turn on Hold [A] for 6 seconds until blue light pulsing every 2-5 seconds indicating Bluetooth is active. Turn off Tap [Power Off] button. Pairing with mobile phone Hold [A] for 10 seconds until red/blue fast blinking lights. Look for new bluetooth devices to pair […]
May 4, 2019
Friday 03 May 2019 & Saturday 04 May 2019 Download GPS waypoints here: Blencoe Falls 03 + 04 May The above file contains: Raw GPS data (comma separated text file, opens with Microsoft Excel) Google Earth KML + KMZ file Open map in Google Maps Easter Egg See if you can find this […]
April 28, 2019
Disclaimer: The orignal pocket hole jig was developed and manufactured by Kreg in the USA. If you want a quality pocket hole jig, the original Kreg pocket hole jig (including clamp) comes recommended. Here in Australia it is a bit overpriced as is the case with many imported high end products ($30 AUD for a […]