December 16, 2017
I am building a swing set similar to this: I came across these round metal pipe corner brackets that would give it a more traditional look and maximizes the frame height. Unfortunately they are not sold in Australia and do not come in 150mm diameter. Timber posts Step one is to get the posts ordered […]
July 22, 2017
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July 22, 2017
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
July 22, 2017
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July 4, 2017
Based on the following tutorial: Click on the image below to start the game. Controls [SPACE] Jump [LEFT][RIGHT][UP][DOWN] Movement Unity source
July 4, 2017
Everyone’s rights To be treated with respect. To have decisions made in a timely manner. To produce and receive quality work to agreed standards and principles. To estimate your activities aggressive yet achievable and have your estimates respected by others. To be provided adequate resources not limited to time and money to achieve what is […]
June 27, 2017
Click on the image below to start the game. Controls [CTRL] Fire [LEFT][RIGHT][UP][DOWN] Movement Scrolling background Parallax background Unity source Playership.blend Enemyship.blend Asteroid01.blend Asteroid02.blend Asteroid03.blend Blender Texture setup RGBA file: RGB = Diffuse Alpha channel = Specular. Use Adobe Photoshop to export to RGB (JPEG). Use a Mix shader to mix in overal glossiness. Use […]
May 7, 2017
Source Files Rope_1.blend Rope_2.blend Rope_3.blend Fabric rope texture courtesy Poliigon
May 1, 2017
Here are 8 techniques for cutting holes Subdivide & To sphere {Delete all objects} A A X ENTER {Top view Ortho} NUM5 NUM7 {Add plane} SHIFT-A RIGHT ENTER S Move mouse G Move mouse {Create 4×4 square mesh using subdivide x2} TAB W ENTER W ENTER {create a hole} RMB select center vertex X ENTER […]