April 30, 2020
Thank you masterxeon1001 https://www.youtube.com/user/masterxeon1001/videos Buy masterxeon1001 a beer! https://gumroad.com/masterxeon1001 (click on the Donate Box, enter an amount and pay using Paypal) Requirements Blender 2.8x Get it here: https://builder.blender.org/download (2.8) HOps (2.8) BoxCutter Get it here: https://blendermarket.com Source File sabre001.blend Reference Images Render
April 26, 2020
Thank you masterxeon1001 https://www.youtube.com/user/masterxeon1001/videos Buy masterxeon1001 a beer! https://gumroad.com/masterxeon1001 (click on the Donate Box, enter an amount and pay using Paypal) Requirements Blender 2.8x Get it here: https://builder.blender.org/download (2.8) HOps (2.8) BoxCutter Get it here: https://blendermarket.com Source file containerV1.blend Render
April 24, 2020
Thank you masterxeon1001 https://www.youtube.com/user/masterxeon1001/videos Buy masterxeon1001 a beer! https://gumroad.com/masterxeon1001 (click on the Donate Box, enter an amount and pay using Paypal) Requirements Blender 2.82 Get it here: https://builder.blender.org/download (2.8) HOps (2.8) BoxCutter Get it here: https://blendermarket.com Source File hose.blend Render
April 20, 2020
Overdrive is a Blender 2.8x add-on offering the following performance enhancements: Automatically show / hide the last bevel modifier on the modifier stack for all objects in the scene based on mouse inactivity. Overdrive is non-intrusive and automatically pauses whenever you: Enter [Edit Mode] Use [MMB] to rotate 3D viewport. Switch to a Viewport Shading […]
April 17, 2020
Thank you FlippedNormals for a great tutorial! Quick Notes Enable the F2 addon Snapping – enable ‘Project Onto Self’ and ‘Project Individual Elements’ Enable Backface culling Object Context – Viewport Display – enable ‘In front’ Material – Viewport Display – Give it a color Modifiers ShrinkWrap – Select target object – otherwise default settings Mirror […]
March 29, 2020
Zondag 29 Maart 2020 9pm Australische tijd 1pm Nederlandse tijd. Verwacht niet dat iemand dit vindt of leest, maar voor het geval dat. Mijn vader is zojuist komen te overlijden en vredig heengegaan. Sunday 29 March 2020 9pm Australian Eastern Time (AET) 1pm Central European Time (GMT+1) Don’t expect anyone to find this or read […]
March 27, 2020
Redraw bpy.context.view_layer layer.update() bpy.context.area.tag_redraw() # granted the context area is the one you are working with Voxel remesher Camera 1. dolly in / out 2. pedestal up / down 3. truck left / right 4. pan left / right 5. tilt up / down 6. roll left / right 7. Zoom in / out Zooming involves changing the focal length of the lens to make […]
March 12, 2020
Terminology Origins There are only 2 origins: World origin (0,0,0) in the Global coordinate-system. Object origin for each object. You can place the object origin anywhere, even ‘outside’ of the object. If you go into Edit mode, an object’s origin is….well….the origin, and therefore (0,0,0). Vertices coordinate values are always relative to the object’s origin. […]