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Blender 2.82
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(2.8) HOps 00984_Thulium_10
(2.8) BoxCutter 715_14
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I realize I am looking at mx2 just doodling in cuise control here. He then performs a three Bevel combo (2D, chamfer and bevel) with a Solidify featuring Control Dots, Bevel helper in 20 seconds as if it is nothing. Blink an eye for a moment and you miss it. Impressive. I can tell what the modifier stack looks like without seeing it. An attempt was made to adjust the Bevel from 0.02 to 0.005 visually by using Control Dots following a switch to Bevel helper better suited to the task (numerical values). When i saw [ALT-X] I knew what was coming next. Picked up the Weighted Normals and some edge slide and a ModScroll as well.