January 6, 2023
1. aviate. 2. navigate. 3. communicate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iv_rRus-X9k light sport aircraft (LSA) have low wing loading and light control forces. https://www.youtube.com/@utopiasnow/videos elliot seguin test pilot vlogs https://www.youtube.com/@TheFinerPoints/videos instructor vlog https://www.youtube.com/@PilotSafetyOrg/videos instructor vlog https://www.youtube.com/@Boldmethod/videos commercial jet pilot vlog https://www.flightsafetyaustralia.com/2022/10/stalls-in-the-circuit/ beware unpractised stalls at low speed low height by changed angle of attack in-circuit at take-off or downwind […]
January 6, 2023
The knot is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile (= 1.852 km) per hour, exactly 1.852 km/h (approximately 1.151 mph). multiply knots by two to get rough indication of km/h equivalent. One foot is 30cm. three and a bit feet in a meter. 9000 feet altitude is 3/10th or roughly 1/3th in […]
January 6, 2023
Why? Why not. There are a lot of factors to consider, but some of the more obvious easily overlooked ones: Your licence is perpetual – it never expires! You will however be required to pass a medical every 1-2 years, and pass a flight review every 2 years. A recreational pilot license allows you to: fly […]
January 6, 2023
http://www.mascotnq.com http://www.athertonaeroclub.org/ https://www.nqac.com.au/
January 6, 2023
eVTOLS struggle with payload and range. Horizontal flight (range) requires wings.
I went to a fight the other night, and a hockey game broke out.
ASX | 18 Oct 24 314k (20k) → 333k | Z411 |
Getz | 09 Nov 23 175k (20k) → 195k | Z79A |
D22 | 11 Feb 24 144k (7k) → 151k | Z89A |
800XCX | 03 Nov 24 20k (10k) → 30k | KN204 |