By telleropnul, January 6, 2023
1. aviate.
2. navigate.
3. communicate.
light sport aircraft (LSA) have low wing loading and light control forces.
elliot seguin test pilot vlogs
instructor vlog
instructor vlog
commercial jet pilot vlog
beware unpractised stalls at low speed low height by changed angle of attack in-circuit at take-off or downwind / go-around in flap and landing gear configuration.
do not use ailerons in a stall. if a wing starts to drop and you lower the aileron on that wing to raise it, you increase the wing’s angle of attack. You can quickly push the wing over the critical angle of attack – stalling and dropping the wing.
P – Power. Retard the throttle to idle. In most aircraft, power hampers recovery;
A – Ailerons neutral;
R – Apply full opposite rudder;
E – Apply forward elevator;
D – Recover from the dive.
bounced landing = coming in too fast or descending too fast. keep nose up. use throttle to dampen 2nd bounce. keep track of runway left. land or go around.
crosswinds, use crab or wing-low. wing-low is preferred for light aircraft. continue to keep wing-low during run-out to stop windward wing from lifting.
banking reduces vertical lift. to compensate, you change angle of attack. changes in angle of attack affect stall speed (regardless of airspeed or attitude). 60 degrees bank angle = 41% increase in stall speed.
as passenger, ask pilot for a brief guided tour of an unfamiliar plane and to setup radio on your side.
flying / landing from passenger seat is different.
know how to operate autopilot, radio and trim.
expect IFR conditions in daytime (clouds, no horizon). get yourself a horizon. get yourself a scenery reference.
know your airspeed, angle of attack, altitude, climb rate and heading.
know the aircraft identification number.
know how to set transponder (XDR) to 7700, the international emergency code, to identify on radar.
know how to have transponder squawk an IDENT (US only ?).
gentle on controls when pulling up from a steep dive or you risk a stall or pulling the wings off.
no polarized glasses when using Multi Function Displays (MFD).
I balance, I weave, I dodge, I frolic, and my bills are all paid. On weekends, to let off steam, I participate in full-contact origami. Years ago I discovered the meaning of life but forgot to write it down. I have made extraordinary four course meals using only a mouli and a toaster oven. I breed prizewinning clams. I have won bullfights in San Juan, cliff-diving competitions in Sri Lanka, and spelling bees at the Kremlin. I have played Hamlet, I have performed open-heart surgery, and I have spoken with Elvis. – In response to the “Anything else” section on an application form
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