Agile / Servant Leader

By telleropnul, July 4, 2022

“The focus in an agile project is on continuous learning and improvement.”

  • Fail early
  • Fail often
  • Revise
  • Learn

Agile – Values


Individuals and interactions
Working software
Customer collaboration
Responding to change


Processes and tools
Comprehensive documentation
Contract negotiation
Following a plan

Agile – Principles

Satisfy the customer
Welcome change
Deliver software frequently
Work together
Motivate individuals
Use face-to-face communication
Working software = progress
Constant pace
Technical excellence
Self-organizing teams

Lean – Principles

Eliminate waste
Incorporate continuous learning
Delay decisions
Deliver software quickly
Empower the programming team
Focus on system integrity
Focus on the whole system

Client Engagement

Interpreting requirements
Establishing the value proposition
Committing to team success
Speaking for the customer community

Servant Leader

Safeguard the development process
Communicate progress and issues
Build a development community
Detach from outcomes
Take it to the team
Be a mirror
Master your words and face
Allow for silence
Be bold
Allow the team to fail
Encourage the team


“Project meetings belong to the team.  You are to facilitate (communication), not lead.”


Servant Leader Practices

Ensuring a shared guiding vision
Enabling interactions and adaptations
Loosening control
Refining practices
Providing free access to information
Tuning process structure
Lead by example



Purpose: Encourage collaboration

A stand-up meeting is about YOU.  Even if the purpose of a stand-up meeting is not immediately clear, it is the one time in the day we can have people together and away from their computer.  You are invited to tap a colleague on the shoulder after the meeting to discuss matters if you think you can offer assistance.


  • Everyone to stand up
  • 5 minutes
  • 30 seconds each
  • Share with us:
    • What you did last week.
    • What challenges you are facing.
    • What you plan to do in the coming week.
    • What you need.
  • No discussions
  • No action items
  • No management (or management goes last)
  • Be generous
  • Meeting can be chaired by any team member if no team leader is present


Agile Manifesto source file