“The focus in an agile project is on continuous learning and improvement.”
Individuals and interactions |
Working software |
Customer collaboration |
Responding to change |
Processes and tools |
Comprehensive documentation |
Contract negotiation |
Following a plan |
Satisfy the customer |
Welcome change |
Deliver software frequently |
Work together |
Motivate individuals |
Use face-to-face communication |
Working software = progress |
Constant pace |
Technical excellence |
Simplicity |
Self-organizing teams |
Reflection |
Eliminate waste |
Incorporate continuous learning |
Delay decisions |
Deliver software quickly |
Empower the programming team |
Focus on system integrity |
Focus on the whole system |
Interpreting requirements |
Establishing the value proposition |
Committing to team success |
Speaking for the customer community |
Safeguard the development process |
Communicate progress and issues |
Build a development community |
Detach from outcomes |
Take it to the team |
Be a mirror |
Master your words and face |
Allow for silence |
Be bold |
Allow the team to fail |
Encourage the team |
“Project meetings belong to the team. You are to facilitate (communication), not lead.”
Ensuring a shared guiding vision |
Enabling interactions and adaptations |
Loosening control |
Refining practices |
Providing free access to information |
Tuning process structure |
Lead by example |
A stand-up meeting is about YOU. Even if the purpose of a stand-up meeting is not immediately clear, it is the one time in the day we can have people together and away from their computer. You are invited to tap a colleague on the shoulder after the meeting to discuss matters if you think you can offer assistance.