June 22, 2016
Backface culling is active by default. Think of it as a sheet of paper; the side you are not using appears culled. You can use ‘flip normals’ to flip which side you want to be the facing side. You can turn backface culling off: With backface culling off, the ‘sheet of paper’ magically appears to […]
June 22, 2016
The opacity slot in 3dsmax takes a grayscale image where black is 100% transparent (‘dark’) and white is 100% opaque (‘solid’). Opacity is often used for planar mapped simple geometry ‘cutouts’ like foliage. This is how a simple opacity map works: Rather than creating 2 different bitmaps, you could use an image file format which […]
June 22, 2016
It may not seem like something that important, and in most cases you won’t come across any conflicts at all, but the larger and more complex your CSS files become, or the more CSS files you start to juggle with, the greater likelihood there is of conflicts turning up. If the selectors are the same […]
June 22, 2016
See below for detailed command output. So there are two RAID1 (= hard disk mirror) volumes (=’drive letters’) in use by Koozali. The first one is called /dev/md1 and is 106MB in size. The second one is called /dev/md2 and is 79GB in size. The new hard disk showed up as /dev/sdb. It was not […]
June 22, 2016
Create a clock in Macromedia Flash containing an hourHand, minuteHand and secondHand. Then, add the following actionscript: Load = function() { now_init = new Date(); daysummertime = (31 – 5*now_init.getFullYear/4 – now_init.getFullYear/100 -now_init.getFullYear/400 +5) % 7; daywintertime = (31 – 5*now_init.getFullYear/4 – now_init.getFullYear/100 -now_init.getFullYear/400 +2) % 7; dateSummerTime = new Date(now_init.getFullYear, 3, daysummertime); dateWinterTime = […]
December 31, 2015
Advent of Code (AoC) is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like. Go check it out: Advent of Code Input files: adventofcode2015inputs.zip 2015 Day 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 […]