“tint” is a mixture of a color with white, which reduces darkness,
“shade” is a mixture with black, which increases darkness,
“tone” is produced either by mixing a color with grey (or by both tinting and shading), and
“hue” is how much red, blue, green and yellow it has.
mixing RGB colors (red, green, blue) results in white.
mixing CMY(K) Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, (Black) results in black.
ASX | 18 Oct 24 314k (20k) → 333k | Z411 |
Getz | 09 Nov 23 175k (20k) → 195k | Z79A |
D22 | 11 Feb 24 144k (7k) → 151k | Z89A |
800XCX | 03 Nov 24 20k (10k) → 30k | KN204 |